Sketch Canvas

Whiteboard for Brainstorming, Doodling and Sketching

A whiteboard for brainstorming, doodling and sketching. The app is built with React, JavaScript and Tailwind CSS. It uses the Canvas API, perfect-freehand and roughjs. The app is deployed on Vercel. Inspired by Excalidraw and Sketch.



Personalized Travel Itineraries Tailored to Your Dream Destinations

Crafted with React Native, Google Gemini AI, Firebase, and Expo Router, this intelligent app generates custom travel itineraries based on your selected location and trip duration. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, the AI Trip Planner ensures a seamless, day-by-day schedule packed with must-see attractions, activities, and hidden gems—curated just for you!



Seamless Course Management and Student Analytics

LearnFlow is an advanced LMS portal built using NextJS, Tailwind CSS, ShadCN, TypeScript, Prisma, MySQL, Zustand, Mux, Uploadthing, Stripe, and deployed on Vercel. Designed for both administrators and students, it allows admins to create and manage courses efficiently, provides detailed analytics, and enables students to browse courses, make payments, and access a personalized dashboard.



Share your Stories, Ideas, Thoughts, and Expertise

A platform for sharing your stories, ideas, thoughts, and expertise. The app is built with React in frontend, Clouldflare workers in backend, TypeScript as language, Postgres as database, Prisma as ORM and jwt for Authentication. Inspired by Medium.


Colors Combinations

Explore Color & Composition for Stunning Photos

Ready to explore the world of color and composition? The responsive website built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and GSAP for animations. Uses GreenSock GSAP, and ScrollTrigger, unfolds its magic as you scroll down. Prepare to be amazed.


iPhone 15 Pro

Titanium. So strong. So light. So Pro.

This isn't your standard website – explore the iPhone 15 Pro. Built an interactive experience using React, JavaScript, and Three.js to showcase the phone's features with 3D models you can manipulate. Inspired by Apple.


Stay Wanderlust

Book Holiday Rentals, Cabins, Beach Houses & more

Stay Wanderlust connects you with unique holiday rentals, cabins, beach houses, and more. You can book online, check availability, add to favourites, and rent your own accommodation. The app is built with NextJS, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Prisma, MongoDB and NextAuth for Authentication. Inspired by Airbnb.


My Portfolio (You are Here!)

Always under construction

My portfolio is a living testament to my ever-evolving skillset. Here, you'll find projects built with the latest tools – NextJS for a blazing-fast experience, MongoDB for a robust data core, and SASS for a touch of design flair. This space is a constant work in progress, reflecting my growth as I experiment and refine my craft.

Woven from Imagination by me!

These are just a taste of what I'm capable of. Stay tuned for more projects as I continue to learn and grow!
For a deeper dive into my code, check out my projects on GitHub: @aryashubhanshu.