How it started vs. how it's going

Feb 21, 2024

From a young age, I was fascinated by computers and enjoyed using and experimenting with them. I remember feeling overwhelmed when I first encountered software like Photoshop 7.0 and Microsoft Office, staring at the interface and panic-clicking each tool in a futile effort to acquaint myself with the software. At 13, with the internet as my guide, I gradually began to develop a multidisciplinary interest in digital design, evidenced by a growing collection of digital design software on the family computer. This marked the beginning of my journey into UI/UX. From the start, I've had a strong dislike for poor visuals and have always strived to create designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Programming also featured in my teens, albeit to a lesser degree. I remember building basic static websites — with HTML & CSS, two fundamental technologies for building web pages. I would also tinker with simple scripts in games I was playing at the time. Since childhood I was pretty sure I want to do something with computers and technology. However, it wasn't until university that this initial curiosity blossomed into a deep fascination. Pursuing a degree in Computer Science Engineering has allowed me to delve deeper into this passion, and I am currently in my final year of studies.

The pandemic certainly put a spin on the first two years of college. While traditional activities were on hold, it gave me the unexpected freedom to explore. We've taught C Programming as part of course, and I graudually moved to C++. I wasn't just learning a language, I was unlocking the ability to communicate directly with machines. C++ felt like the natural next step, and it opened the door to a whole new world of coding platforms and problem-solving possibilities. Fueled by this newfound fascination, I started following Striver and dove headfirst into the world of algorithms and data structures.

Snagged the domain back in January 2024 — guess you could say I was destined for this web dev path!. While I've always been curious about coding, 2023 was when I really dove in. The internet became my ultimate teacher, and I devoured everything I could find — from YouTube tutorials to Udemy courses - to grasp the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
But I knew I wanted to push beyond the fundamentals and build something impressive. That's when I enrolled in Sheryians Coding School's Front-End Domination course. Love the way he taught. It opened my eyes to modern web development and the power of creating anything with code! To complement this front-end mastery, I jumped into Harkirat Singh's 100xDevs Cohort program to conquer the backend.

First Website

The focal point of the first version of

Today, I launch the third version of It's an accumulation of everything that I've learned since then, in both design and development. To reflect the ever-changing state of web technologies — and how my adoption of certain technologies changes — I wanted the website to be modular. In modular design systems, components can be created, modified or replaced with other components without affecting the integrity of the system as a whole. If you're on desktop, try dragging around some tiles on the home page to reorder them. The finished product is something that can expand and contract to accommodate new projects, opinions and technologies as I continue to explore the intersection between design and development.